Farm2Market Agribusiness Consulting, Inc.




"While the worlds of agriculture are vast, varied, and rapidly changing, with the right policies and supportive instruments at local, national, and global levels, today’s agriculture offers new opportunities to hundreds of millions  of rural poor to move out of poverty. Pathways out of poverty open to them by agriculture include smallholder farming and animal husbandry, employment in the “new agriculture” of high-value products, and entrepreneurship and jobs in the emerging rural, nonfarm economy. In the 21st century, agriculture continues to be a fundamental instrument for sustaining development and poverty reduction.”

World Development Report 2008:
Agriculture for Development
The World Bank


Welcome to the Farm2Market Agribusiness Consulting website.

Since 2001, Farm2Market Agribusiness Consulting has been actively engaged in this dual challenge of sustaining development and improving farmer incomes. Its work has focused on providing farmers, agribusiness enterprises, donors and governments with pathways toward income improvement through

  • Better linkages with high-value markets
  • Lower costs of intermediation through more efficient value chains
  • Lesser losses on product claims and adjustments through more effective dispute resolution
  • Higher returns through value addition
  • Reductions in product shrink and improvements in net returns through better use of logistics options
  • Revitalization of dormant commodity sectors through varietal replacement



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